Utilize Health is a free service that aims to connect patients affected by spinal cord injury (SCI) as well as other neurological conditions with post-acute service to aid recovery and rehabilitation. The organization plans to launch services that focus on six neurological disabilities including SCI, traumatic brain injury, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, stroke, and multiple sclerosis.
To use the services visitors to the Utilize Health website will complete an online form that identifies an individual’s specific disabilities. Using that data, an algorithm based in the online site will then electronically match the needs of a disabled individual with appropriate facilities. That service is available for free.
According to a recent article published by MedCityNews, founder of Utilize Health, Jessica Harthcock, says generally physicians are not navigating post-acute care. “Doctors do the best they can, but there’s a huge lack of awareness [of resources that are available.]” Harthcock says. “We are that information resource. Every facility we deal with is equipped for neurology patients,” she adds.
Harthcock explained that the facilities tend to focus on weight-bearing, activity-based therapies.
According to the backstory about Utilize Health posted on its website, Jessica Harthcock, chief executive officer and founder of Utilize Health was, herself, paralyzed by a complete spinal cord injury in 2004 at age 17 years. Throughout many years of searching and traveling to gain access to specialized equipment that aided her recovery, she eventually was able to walk again. The experience spurred Harthcock to build a service that would help others achieve similar goals.
[Source: Utilize Health, MedCityNews]