February 5, 2008
Washington, DC – Paralyzed Veterans of America (Paralyzed Veterans) has released a statement welcoming the President’s release of $3.7 billion in additional funding for veterans’ programs approved by Congress. The organization characterizes the action as, "The largest single funding increase in the history of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)."
“Veterans with life-long disabilities depend on the VA to provide quality health care,” says Randy L. Pleva, Sr, national president of Paralyzed Veterans. “Our government promised all generations of veterans care if they needed it, and with the newest veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, the VA system requires a higher level of resources as it serves an ever-increasing number of veterans.”
Paralyzed Veterans states the funding increase will improve the prospects for strengthening quality care for approximately 5.8 million patients, including thousands of newly injured Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. The organization also notes the move will improve the maintenance of VA health care facilities and expand treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.
A PVA statement said the organization anticipates the funding will reduce the growing claims backlog for veterans by adding 1,800 claims processors.
Source: Paralyzed Veterans of America