February 5, 2008
Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) states it is lending support to the hundreds of amputees and their families and friends expected to turn out February 7 at the Connecticut state Capitol in Hartford. The event has been organized to back a bill sponsored by Rep John Geragosian (D-New Britain) that would require health insurance companies to cover the cost of prosthetic devices for their policy holders in Connecticut.
Amputees who live in Connecticut and have health insurance often find their insurers severely restrict coverage for prosthetic care, according to a statement released February 5 by the ACA. In many instances, the ACA states, insurers cover only one prosthetic limb in a person’s lifetime, or restrict the coverage provided to a one-time payment of $2,000 or less, which the coalition says is inadequate to cover the cost of modern prostheses.
The ACA also reports many insurance companies are reducing their already limited coverage or eliminating it altogether.
State legislation has been proposed to ensure adequate health insurance coverage for prosthetic care for Connecticut residents living with the loss or absence of a limb. Eight states have passed laws requiring health insurers to provide access to prosthetic care. Connecticut is among 30 states working to advance insurance parity for prosthetic care in 2008.
The rally, scheduled to begin at 10:15 a.m., is slated for appearances by the following: Rep John Geragosian; Morgan Sheets, national advocacy director, Amputee Coalition of America; Greg Grusse, father of a 14 year old amputee from Glastonbury, Conn; Al Maciunas, prosthetist; and performance by one-handed rock guitarist, John Denner.
Source: Amputee Coalition of America