Beginning December 2, Rehab Management introduces a new blog titled From the Roots: Clinician’s Blog, featuring Ann Eubank, LMSW, OTR/L, ATP, CAPS, of UsersFirst. Ann (pictured right) is known nationwide as an advocate for wheelchair users, and is a regular columnist for Rehab Management.
Each week Ann will share a new post that speaks to the core of rehabilitation practice, and user advocacy. Rehab Management invites readers to interact with Ann and respond her posts with their own observations and opinion. From the Roots is sponsored by TiLite, and offered as a clinician’s blog where readers are encouraged to participate fully with one of the rehabilitation industry’s top thought leaders.
Ann will explore a variety of topics in the new blog, including equipment and wheelchair acquisition process, leadership, advocacy and OT/PT core values. She will also take on the issues of social justice, client-centered practice, inadvertent oppression from the healthcare professional, and working within a broken healthcare system.
Ann Eubank, LMSW, OTR/L, ATP, CAPS facilitates the grassroots movement, UsersFirst, which seeks to empower and amplify the voice of wheelchair users, and advocates increasing access to wheelchairs that bolster independence and freedom. As an adjunct faculty member at Belmont University, public speaker and writer, Ann has been immersed in the community of people who use wheelchairs for more than 20 years. Ann earned her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy at California State University, San Jose and her Master of Social Work from University of Tennessee.
Source: Rehab Management