The Beasy Premium Transfer Boards, available through AliMed, Dedham, Mass, are designed to offer an upright, dignified lateral slide. No lifting is required and the transfer boards are also “tissue-friendly” according to the company’s website, absorbing friction caused by movement so the patient’s skin does not. Each model is comprised of patented, ultrastrong polymers. The site notes that the Beasy boards have also been used to transfer patients weighing more than 400 pounds and have been stressed to more than 1,100 pounds without breaking. All transfer boards offer a 400-pound weight capacity and are available with built-in Microban antimicrobial protection to help prevent odor- and stain-causing bacteria.
The Beasy II is designed to be compact to accommodate use in a car or bathroom and offers virtually frictionless transfers, the site says. The BeasyGlyder is built to maneuver around obstacles and can serve as a transfer solution when the arm of the wheelchair is not removable or the wheelchair wheel is an obstacle. Rounding out the line is the BeasyTrans, which also now available with Microban protection. The BeasyTrans allows for fewer caregivers for a transfer and its sliding disk is intended to greatly reduce friction associated with most slide transfers.
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[Source: AliMed]