Join Frank Long, Editorial Director of Rehab Management and Physical Therapy Products, as he speaks with
Pau-Lee, PT, MA, ATP, Director, Seating and Adaptive Equipment Services, for the New Jersey Institute for Disabilities, located in Edison, New Jersey.
Wheelchair backrests are vital for children affected by multiple physical disabilities, and whose growing bodies make them increasingly taller and wider. Finding a custom-molded backrest to accommodate these clients is not always easy since they do not accommodate growth and are virtually impossible to trial.
ROHO’s Custom AGILITY backrests help to solve these problems.
In this podcast, you’ll hear Pau-Lee explain how the Custom AGILITY’s varied-sized air cells easily adjust to accommodate a client’s size changes, and how these backrests can eliminate excessive pressure to a client’s thoracic regions, below the axillaries, and to the spinal processes.
You’ll also hear an important case study about a medically complex 16-year-old male for whom a Custom AGILITY helped provide correcting force to the spine to keep his head from falling off his wheelchair’s frame.
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In 1981, Pau-Lee received her bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from National Taiwan University. Pau-Lee later graduated from the Advanced Master Program for Developmental Disabilities from New York University, where she received her master’s degree. For more than 3 decades, Pau-Lee has been a pediatric physical therapist and has been a RESNA-certified Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) since 2001. In 1993, Pau-Lee joined the New Jersey Institute for Disabilities.
Since 2001, Pau-Lee has supervised the Seating & Adaptive Equipment Department at Lakeview School and has delivered hundreds of wheelchairs, positioning chairs, standing frames, gait trainers, and hygiene equipment for clients with developmental disabilities in all age groups. Pau-Lee has given presentations on seating and mobility to professionals across the United States as well as Southern Asia. She offers clinical consultation, client evaluation, and prescription of seating/mobility equipment, educational seminars, and new product consultation for manufacturers. Pau-Lee has helped launch several seating programs in Taiwan. In 2013, she also presented two workshops at the 29th International Seating Symposium as well as at the World Confederation of Physical Therapists Congress.