June 5 is UN World Environment Day, a day set aside by the United Nations to encourage worldwide awareness and action to help protect the environment, according to Wikipedia.
Sunrise Medical celebrates it by noting its numerous global “green” initiatives, as well as its “green” thinking throughout its global organization.
“As a long-standing environmentally conscious organization, Sunrise Medical is committed to environmental responsibility and our mission is to further promote green thinking throughout the global organization and our supply base,” the company pledges, as noted in a media release from the Fresno-based company.
The global green initiatives Sunrise Medical completed during the past year include: Sunrise Spain, Germany, EDC, UK, Fresno and Tijuana all maintained their ISO 14001/Green Seal certifications; Sunrise Norway, Boulder and Indianapolis were awarded the Company’s Green Seal of Approval for environmental management; and Sunrise Germany attained accreditation for ISO 50001 in Energy Management Systems and started buying “Green Energy.”
Additional initiatives include Sunrise UK – Certificate awarded two years in a row for sending “zero waste to landfill”; and all Sunrise Green Seal certified facilities have achieved significant reductions in energy usage and waste via green initiatives.
An internal campaign throughout the company provided employees the opportunity to submit designs for its Environmental Infographic. The winning design, submitted by Merete Rindal from Norway, represents the company’s environmental commitment.
[Source: Sunrise Medical]