Treatment options for urinary incontinence range from behavioral techniques and physical therapy to more aggressive options, such as surgery, according to the Mayo Clinic. “Scientific evidence shows that 80% of women can improve with physical therapy that focuses on muscle strength and healthy bladder habits,” said Lisa Kiesel, PT, DPT, ProRehab pelvic floor specialist.
Fifty percent of women perform Kegel exercises incorrectly. 25% of that 50% do the exercises so incorrectly that they make their condition worse, according to a study in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
ProRehab uses Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging to give patients instant visual feedback, which allows them to see exactly which muscles they are working and how to perform exercises correctly. ProRehab PTs use stretching, pelvic floor massage, and biofeedback for patients with the condition.
[Source: PR Web]