According to research appearing in WOUNDS, Wellsense’s M.A.P., a continuous bedside pressure mapping system, exhibited improved outcomes in the prevention of pressure ulcers among intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The study, titled “A Continuous Bedside Pressure Mapping System for Prevention of Pressure Ulcer Development in the ICU: A Retrospective Analysis,” suggests that real-time, ongoing pressure monitoring using M.A.P. successfully helped decrease pressure ulcer occurrence in ICU patients by allowing healthcare providers to effectively detect pressure and reposition patients within the context of existing National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel standardized guidelines.
The M.A.P.’s pressure sensing mat is comprised of an intelligent textile engineered to measure pressure from thousands of discrete points. The variations in pressure across a patient’s body, Wellsense notes, are depicted on a monitor using a color scheme designed to help caregivers visualize high (red) to low (blue) pressure points. This feature is intended to allow the easing of identification and minimization areas of high pressure.
In a recent news release, Wellsense reports that during the 2-month study period, results indicate 0.3% of patients using real-time continuous bedside pressure mapping (CBPM) technology developed a pressure ulcer, compared to 5% of patients in the historical control group who were placed on the same beds without the M.A.P. one year prior.
The release states that according to a survey of medical ICU (MICU) care providers, 90% of respondents noted that CBPM contributed to improved pressure detection and relief. A total of 88% of survey takers also indicated the system assisted with repositioning protocols, and 84% reported the pressure map facilitated more efficient and effective patient repositioning.
Aamir, Siddiqui, MD, division head of Plastic Surgery at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich, notes in the release that the technology allowed caregivers to see whether or not a patient had been properly positioned. Siddiqui adds that, “The technology provided confidence and peace of mind that the areas of concern were appropriately off-loaded. This is an exciting opportunity for caregivers to learn optimal positioning techniques and determine the best practices for minimizing pressure.”
Wellsense states that the M.A.P. System is intended for bedside pressure mapping. The company classifies it as a “tool” not a “treatment” used by physicians to assess and map bed pressure.
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Source(s): M.A.P., Wellsense