101 Mobility, a Wilmington, NC-based full-service sales, service, and installation provider of mobility and accessibility products and equipment, recently received Special Employer Recognition at the 2013 Disability Employment Awareness Month Awards.
According to a company news release, 101 Mobility employee Kelly Mercer (pictured right) was also honored during the event. Mercer, a hearing-impaired web developer/graphic designer, was recognized with an Outstanding Employee plaque.
“Because of Kelly, we are able to put out almost three websites a week,” says Joel Brenner, senior vice president of Franchise Operations and Marketing. Brenner also designates Mercer as a key asset to the team.
Mercer emphasizes that, “Being a hearing-impaired employee has shown me that anything is possible—especially in the workplace environment.”
The release notes that the 2013 Disability Employment Awareness Month Awards were held at the New Hanover County Government Center. The North Carolina State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Cape Fear Disability Commission also sponsored the awards. The event is intended to honor employers and employees who have contributed to the employment of individuals with disabilities in the Wilmington community.
The Disability Awareness Month is held each October and was started by Congress. It is intended to raise public awareness of the contributions and skills of American workers with disabilities.
[Source: 101 Mobility]