March 21, 2008

Life Fitness has announced plans to deliver the Nike + iPod experience on all of its iPod-compatible Elevation Series treadmills, elliptical cross-trainers and Lifecycle Exercise Bikes. The action has been taken to allow Nike + iPod users to simply plug their iPod nano into the equipment at the start of their workout to record their results. Users can then connect their iPod nano with their computer to upload workout data to

“By delivering the Nike + iPod experience through our equipment, we’re giving exercisers new and exciting tools to maximize their workouts,” says Bob Quast, vice president of product management for Life Fitness. “This groundbreaking tool is taking the exercise equipment experience beyond the fitness facility.”

Through Nike + iPod, exercisers who workout on iPod compatible Life Fitness equipment will be able to track progress, set goals and make challenges on When gym users connect their iPod nano to their computer, their workout data is sent to through iTunes. This workout data is converted to “CardioMiles,” so users of cardio equipment can set goals and participate in challenges with runners and users of other cardio equipment.

Source: Life Fitness