Thought Technology has announced that it will be exhibiting its Biograph Infiniti Biofeedback System, the Biograph Infiniti v6.0 during a pre-2013 AAPB Annual Conference workshop. According to a recent news release, the AAPB Annual Conference will be held March 13 to 16, and will feature “Creating Synergy: Integrating Methods and Modalities” as its theme. Erik Peper, PhD, BCB, San Francisco State University, and Didier Combatalade, Thought Technology, is slated to present the showcase.
The session is intended to instruct attendees in working effectively with Thought Technology’s ProComp and BioGraph Infiniti System, and will place an emphasis on setting up hardware and software to record and review data and generate reports. The release notes that the session is designed to accommodate all levels of users, from novices advanced.
According to Thought Technology, during the session attendees will learn how to optimize sensor placement in order to ensure the best possible physiological recordings and minimize artifacts. The company adds that if time allows, the session will also address the process for recording scripted sessions and the way in which editing screens can provide additional options to their biofeedback practice.
The release reports that early bird registration for the AAPB 44th Annual Scientific Meeting has been extended to February 18.
Workshops will be held March 13 to 14.
For more information, click here.
Source: Thought Technology