The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) recently released a news flash about its new continuing competence system, aPTitude. When the system is completed in 2010, it will have features for licensees, vendors, and state licensing boards, and will include a certification system for evaluating continuing education and competence offerings.
When aPTitude is rolled out, the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) will be a participant and vendor in the system.
Raising the quality of continuing education is a benefit to all PTs. FSBPT and APTA are collaborating to develop standards that will be used to evaluate continuing competence offerings.
While the FSBPT system will include certifying CE, the system is designed so licensing boards can choose their approver, and the system will indicate to licensees who the designated approver is for each state.
The system will be a one-stop shop for licensees to understand state requirements, find continuing competence offerings, and keep track of their progress, and it will be a good place to advertise CE opportunities sponsored by chapters and sections.
[Source: APTA]