The Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) reports that it has added Joey Wallace, PhD, as its project director for the RESNA Catalyst Project, a federal grant designed to offer technical assistance to statewide assistive technology programs and financial loan programs in 50 states and US territories. The grant is also intended to provide protection and advocacy programs for assistive technology under a subcontract.
A RESNA news release reports that Wallace brings 20 years of experience as the executive director for Virginia’s low interest loan program for AT, the Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority, and as a policy and funding specialist for the Virginia Statewide Assistive Technology Program (VATS). The release also notes that Wallace has experience in case management, residential services, advocacy, policy development, and teaching.
M. Nell Bailey, executive director of RESNA says that Wallace’s understanding and expertise will bring value to its technology-related services, “Joey is committed to increasing individual access to technology-related services through personal choice and self-advocacy,” Bailey adds.
Wallace notes that many individuals, “working in the programs that the RESNA Catalyst Project serves are valued collegues and friends…This is an opportunity to support their great work and advocacy on behalf of their customers, and make sure that people have access to the technology they need to live independent lives in the community.”
Source: RESNA