Hanger Clinic recently announced that one of its patients, Kaleb “Fred” Langdale, had the opportunity to share his story of survival and new prosthetic technology on ABC’s Good Morning America following an 11-foot alligator attack that cost him his right arm below the elbow. Langdale, aged 17 years old, survived the attack in July while swimming in an area in Moore Haven, Fla.
According to a Hanger Clinic news release, a team of its clinicians, including Dan Stzempka, CPO, from Sarasota, Pete DiPaolo, CPO, LPO, of Fort Myers, and Alistair Gibson, CPO, LPO, and Troy Farnsworth, CP, FAAO, of Hanger Clinic’s upper extremity prosthetics program, helped fit Langdale on September 5 with the newest version of the bebionic hand. Langdale’s prosthetic arm, Hanger Clinic says, was customized for active, outdoor enthusiasts with a camouflage water transfer design. The device detects movement in Langdale’s forearm and responds to the movement by allowing him to grab, grip, hold, and clamp onto small items.
Langdale notes in his interview with ABC that it’s simple things, such as being able to button his jeans by himself, that are among the important feats that his new prosthetic limb has allowed him to achieve.
Langdale’s prosthetic arm was also funded in part by Inner Wheel and its program, which is designed to provide myo-electric prosthetic technology to children under the age of 18 years old.
Click here to watch Langdale’s story of survival and see his new arm in action.
To learn more about bebionic hand, click here.
Source(s): Hanger Clinic, ABC News