Q’STRAINT launches the TRAINING AQADEMY, a collection of wheelchair securement training and learning solutions for drivers, operators, and safety trainers.
The TRAINING AQADEMY standardizes training by allowing participants to learn the correct securement principles directly from the manufacturer, and offers a range of training options for flexibility.
These solutions consist of online training courses, live interactive webinars, exclusive training events, training products, and more, to ensure that drivers, operators, and safety trainers are up to date on proper wheelchair securement principles and industry regulations, according to a media release from Q’STRAINT.
“Quality training is a key component of ensuring passenger safety and minimizing your liability as a transportation provider,” says Darren Reaume, Q’STRAINT national training manager, in the release.
Among the offerings is the online training course, “Securement 101: Basic Wheelchair Securement Training,” which is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to wheelchair securement best practices for both new-hires and as a refresher course for more experienced drivers and safety trainers. Through a series of four lessons, transportation providers will learn how to operate a variety of four-point securement systems currently available and understand how to properly secure passengers with special needs and their wheelchairs
[Source(s): Q’STRAINT, PR Newswire]