Permobil introduces the My Permobil app as part of the Permobil Connect platform. The Connect platform and the My Permobil app are on display at the International Seating Symposium, March 6 to 9 in Vancouver, BC.
My Permobil is a free app that provides performance and usage data to users of Permobil power and manual wheelchairs.
Via the app, users and service technicians can easily view information regarding their wheelchair’s status, such as battery charge and status level, travel distance, and seat function usage.
Since the information from the wheelchair is constantly being transmitted, My Permobil can also enable remote diagnostics to potentially help diagnose an issue even before it occurs.
“Whether at home or out in the community, My Permobil app is always accessible to consumers,” says Larry Jackson, president of Permobil Americas, in a media release.
“Our consumers want to be able to live their lives and not worry about things like battery levels, actuators or mechanical issues. We are proud to be leading the way in combining the latest wireless technology with our wheelchairs to help improve quality of life.”
[Source: Permobil]