Aquila Corporation
Product: APK2, SofTech
The APK2 and SofTech from Aquila Corporation are battery-operated, custom made alternating pressure sore treatment and relief cushions that use air and foam. They stimulate circulation by automatically alternating internal air bladders, which is instrumental in avoiding pressure sores and provides a benefit similar to that of performing a manual pressure lift, as well as alternate every 60 seconds to give skin and tissue optimal stimulation and perfusion. Ideal for paraplegics, quadriplegics, bariatric clients, or anyone who currently has pressure sores, each cushion is custom made to offload exactly where needed under a current pressure sore. There are three firmness selections, as well as low battery / low pressure alarms and bottom out protection. Features include a waterproof foam exterior, an antimicrobial cover, and a run time of more than 40 hours per charge. The controller weighs only 2.2 lbs. The APK2 houses the components (batteries, electronics, pump) in a control box, and the SofTech houses them inside the actual cushion. A wireless remote is standard with the SofTech and optional with the APK2. Custom features include offloading any sore location regardless of size or shape, custom bladder size and layout, and inflation programming based on the client’s weight. The HCPCS code for each is E2609. Retail price is $3900 (APK2) or $4300 (SofTech) regardless of customization or size. Accessories include incontinent cover, remote control, imbedded moisture control fan and pelvic positioning pad. A 1-year warranty extension can also be purchased.
Freedom Designs Inc
Product: Freedom Customized Specialized Seating Systems
Freedom Designs seating is a highly customized, specialized system. Designed to meet the needs of the profound seating and positioning challenges, Freedom seating systems are manufactured to the exact specifications of the prescribing therapist and provider. Both seat and back platforms may be constructed using either a plywood or Boltaron base material to build upon. “T” nuts are then fastened to the base material to be used to attach installation hardware and secondary support hardware options. Supports surfaces may be constructed by using a combination of several types of foam in any shape or thickness. In many cases, Freedom also utilizes in conjunction with foam “top” layer support surfaces including gel, honeycomb, or air. As secondary supports Freedom makes available a full line of headrests, lateral supports, medial thigh supports, and foot and ankle supports as well as a full line of soft supports that includes pelvic positioning belts, anterior trunk supports, and ankle huggers. There are many cover material options, and the company offers a wide variety of textile types in many colors. Several types of wheelchairs are also manufactured by Freedom Designs, such as the SP3, the NXT folding tilt-in-space wheelchair, and the P.R.O. CG rigid tilt-in-space wheelchair. Freedom seating and Freedom wheelchairs may be ordered together and assembled and shipped as a single package. Freedom seating systems are all “custom” in size and manufactured specifically on an individual basis for end user populations that span pediatrics through geriatrics. HCPCS Codes are: Seats/E2609, Backs/E2617. Pricing varies upon prescription requirements.
Product: Axiom
The Axiom product line for adults from Ki Mobility includes Axiom G, Axiom P, Axiom S, Axiom SP-Fluid, and Axiom SP-Visco. The unique hexagonal foam shapes in the well and pre-contouring the foam reduce surface tension and increase envelopment around the ischia and coccyx. By using a 4-way stretch cover, surface tension is reduced, providing better immersion into the well. Axiom G, P, S = The base of Axiom G, Axiom P and Axiom S are constructed with high-IFD pre-contoured polyurethane foam. The cover is constructed with a 4-way stretch, water-resistant, pleated top layer with a skid-resistant bottom panel, and high denier side panels. Axiom SP = The base is constructed with foam that has a high IFD and density. The dual-density polyurethane foam base offers firm support in the lower layer with a durable comfort layer on top. The outer cover features a microclimatic spacer fabric layer with horseshoe design around the well for layer reduction allowing the foam insert to rest directly beneath the pleated 4-way stretch Lycra cover to reduce surface tension. The inner cover features a pleated 4-way stretch material with self-sealing zipper that is water resistant and easy to clean. Axiom SP-Visco = Viscoelastic Foam & foam that has a high IFD and density. Axiom SP-Fluid = Hydrolite Fluid Bladder & foam that has a high IFD and density. The product line features include a pre-contoured shape, high-quality materials, and a superior cover design. HCPCS codes are the following: Axiom G: E2601/E2602; Axiom P: E2603/E2604; Axiom S: E2605/E2606; Axiom SP-Fluid: E2607/E2608; and Axiom SP-Visco: E2607/E2608. Prices are as follows: Axiom G: $120; Axiom P: $199; Axiom S: $340; Axiom SP-Visco: $410; Axiom SP-Fluid: $449. Extra inner and outer covers and solid seat inserts are available.
Product: Invacare Matrx Libra Cushion, Invacare Matrx Vi/Kid*ab*ra Cushion, Invacare Matrx PS Cushion
Cushion technology—Libra: molded foam with Fluid sac overlay; Vi/Kid*ab*ra: three-layer molded foam with a firm HR bottom layer, viscoelastic ischial relief area, soft HR top layer; PS: molded HR foam with waffled ischial relief area. Features/benefits—Libra: Highest level adjustable skin protection and positioning designed even for those with existing skin breakdown, low profile, maintenance free, non-temperature sensitive, exceptional stability; Vi/Kid*ab*ra: moderate to high level skin protection and positioning, no maintenance, good stability, lightweight; PS: positioning cushion with moderate skin protection, extremely lightweight, no maintenance, excellent stability. User group—All are made to fit users from pediatric to bariatric. Libra: 14″w to 20″w with 300 lb weight capacity to Heavy-Duty sizes 21″w to 24″w with 500 lb weight capacity; Vi/Kid*ab*ra: 12″w and 14″w with 150 lb weight capacity, Standard sizes 14″w to 20″w with 300 lb weight capacity, Heavy-Duty sizes 21″w to 30″w with 600 lb weight capacity; PS: Pediatric sizes 8″w to 14″w with 150 lb weight capacity, Standard sizes 16″w to 20″w, with 300 lb weight capacity, Heavy-Duty sizes up to 30″w with 600 lb weight capacity. Features: Libra: Unique design incorporates immersion, off-loading and envelopment, three chamber fluid sac, silicone fluid requires zero kneading or maintenance; Vi/Kid*ab*ra: targeted viscoelastic ischial relief area, bariatric sizes up to 30″ wide with 600 lb weight capacity; PS: Unique molded in waffled ischial relief zone, cushion extremely lightweight (adult sizes approx. 2 lbs), reversible cover can be used fabric side out or wipe off side out bariatric sizes up to 30″ wide with 600 lb weight capacity. HCPCS codes—Libra: E2624/25; Vi/Kid*ab*ra: E2607/08; PS: E2605/06. Price ranges—Libra: $485/$595; Vi/Kid*ab*ra: $425/$625; PS: $345/$695. Additional parts/accessories available—Pelvic obliquity kit for PS and Vi/Kid*ab*ra, cover options on pediatric sizes; Libra Fit Kit accessories for Libra, Spacetex breathable cover, Infection control cover.
Products: ROHO Air cushions, Comfort Foam cushions
Permobil Seating and Positioning aims to offer solutions for any individual regardless of need. The company’s portfolio of products includes ROHO Air cushions, Comfort Foam cushions, and Custom contoured and configured cushions. ROHO products are used for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries worldwide. Its exclusive Shape Fitting Technology is designed to prevent peak pressure points and shear forces to provide comfort and support. Specific products that use the technology include the ROHO Quadtro Select, the ROHO Hybrid Elite SR, and the ROHO High Profile Single Compartment Sensor Ready Cushion. Comfort cushions use a variety of materials, including Viscool foam, which has a unique cell structure to allow for maximum air flow and breathability by reducing heat and moisture retention. Products that use the technology include the Comfort M2 ATI and the Comfort Acta-Embrace ATI. The Custom contoured and configured cushions offer carved, high-quality seating systems that use varying density foams to match each client’s unique shape. The OBSS Tru-Shape seating system uses this technology to meet every user’s unique positioning and pressure management needs. The company’s technologies encompass decades of tireless innovation, built on a deep understanding of the human body. The science behind its products aims to ensure higher skin and soft tissue protection, positioning, stability, and comfort – making it possible for clients to safely sit longer and enjoy better health.
Product: PinDot Customized Specialized Molded Seating Systems
The CLIP, “Color Laser Imaging by Pin Dot.” CLIP puts the process of custom mold image capturing in your hands using a laser camera attached to a tablet to scan and capture the shape and send it to PinDot. PinDot custom molded seating are highly customized and specialized seating systems. Exacting in detail, these systems are designed to meet the needs of the most profound seating and positioning challenges. As a fully customized seating system designed specifically for each end user, PinDot utilizes combinations of foam, gel, and air technologies for support, pressure distribution, and comfort. Both seat and back platforms may be constructed using either plywood or aluminum base materials to build upon. Plywood base materials also incorporate “T” nuts that are fastened to the wood and used in the attachment installation of all hardware. When aluminum is the platform of choice, then all hardware is fastened directly to the aluminum base. Supports surfaces are manufactured using molding technology and may be constructed by using a combination of several types of foam. The company also utilizes various “overlay” foams for added pressure distribution and comfort as well as gel and air technologies in specific locations typically associated with pressure and a high risk for skin breakdown. PinDot offers secondary support surfaces such as headrests, lateral supports, anterior trunk supports, and pelvic positioning belts. Cover material options are numerous and vary depending upon the requirements of the user. The company’s seating systems are all “custom” in size and manufactured specifically on an individual basis for end users from pediatrics through geriatrics. PinDot may be installed on many Invacare or Freedom wheelchairs and delivered together as one package. HCPCS Codes are: Seats/E2609, Backs/E2617. Pricing varies upon prescription requirements.
Ride Designs
Products: Ride Custom 2 Cushion, Ride Java Cushion, Ride Forward Cushion
Ride Designs cushions aim to provide improved postural control, mobility, and skincare to pediatric and adult users, with custom sizing available. Ride Custom 2 Cushion can aid in postural control and skin protection for complex seating cases, as well as to improve sitting stability for increased functional performance. The cushion design is simple and adjustable, with the ability to change over time, and reduce heat and moisture buildup. The new Java Cushion aids in reduction of pressure and tissue deformation, helps keep skin cooler/dryer; lightweight, and improves sitting stability for increased functional performance. The Ride Forward Cushion is built to provide skin protection and sitting comfort, as well as help keep skin cooler/dryer (inner incontinent-resistant cover). HCPCS codes are: Ride Custom 2 Cushion (E2609), Custom Fabricated Seat Cushion. Ride Java Cushion (E2624), Skin Protection And Positioning Wheelchair Seat Cushion, Adjustable, Width Less Than 22 Inches, Any Depth. Ride Forward Cushion, (E2607) Skin protection and positioning wheelchair seat cushion, width less than 22 inches, any depth. Ride Custom 2 Cushion MSRP ranges from $1,480 to $1,720, Ride Java Cushion MSRP is $475, and Ride Forward Cushion MSRP is $425. Additional parts, accessories, and modifications, as well as back supports and sports interfaces, are available.
Stealth Products LLC
Product: Stealth Cushions
The Stealth Cushion line offers a several options in foam from high-density molded foam to viscoelastic foam to twin cell aqueous gel inserts under at-risk bony areas. Featuring lateral and pre-ischial shelf contours and molded foam bases, they come in a variety of sizes ranging from from 10″ to 32″ width and 10″ to 28″ depth depending on the cushion selection. Custom sizes are available on certain models. Stealth Cushions feature the exclusive Coolcore Technology covers. Coolcore is a chemical-free, four-way stretch nylon interlock with Elastane material. It has a patented combination of chemical-free blends that deliver three distinct functions, Moisture Wicking to Moisture Transportation to Moisture Evaporation. Coolcore is exclusive to Stealth Cushions. Currently, the cushion offerings fit in the E2601/E2602 and E2607/E2608 code ranges. New cushions are currently under development that will be offered in the E2605/E2606 and E2624/E2625 code ranges. MSRP ranges from $110 to $590, depending on the cushion model and size choice.
Sunrise Medical
Product: JAY Union
The JAY Union is a versatile, comfortable, skin protection and positioning wheelchair cushion composed of a dynamic fluid and foam layering system, moisture resistant inner cover, and an anti-microbial outer cover. The JAY Union’s base is made from a pre-contoured, high-resiliency foam with additional lateral pelvic support. The design helps to provide positioning of the pelvis and thighs, encouraging improved orthopedic alignment. The Union features a top layer of soft, gel-infused Visco memory foam with an extra layer covering the pelvic loading area to enhance user comfort. The JAY Flow fluid insert conforms to each individual’s unique contours for even pressure distribution beneath the pelvis and a reduced risk of skin breakdowns. The JAY Union wheelchair cushion features a dual-cover system. The inner cover is water-resistant, easy to clean, and features an anti-wicking seam thread and AquaGuard zipper for foam protection. The outer cover is made from a machine-washable, naturally anti-microbial, silver-impregnated X-static fabric. A layer of 3DX spacer fabric promotes airflow for additional skin protection. This comfortable wheelchair cushion is a favorite among power wheelchair users and clients with sensation. The cushion is designed to accommodate both the adult and bariatric user groups. The JAY Flow fluid that lies beneath the MemGel foam conforms to each individual’s unique contours. It is made to provide a pressure-relieving medium to help protect skin integrity while adding a soft, comfortable foam layer on top. A reduced profile option is also available. HCPCS codes are E2607 for 14″ to 21″ wide and E2608 for 22″ to 24″ wide. Its starting MSRP is $445. The JAY Union cushion can be modified to a user’s unique needs through Sunrise Medical’s JAY Your Way modification program, many of which are at no additional cost. Modifications include, but are not limited to, colored outer cover sidebands, embroidery, increased cushion height, leg length cut, and fluid insert modifications.
Symmetric Designs
Website: and
Product: Free Form Seating
Free Form Seating custom seat backs are made from a versatile material designed with the ability to be reshaped, recycled, reused, grown, and adapted as the client grows or experiences weight fluctuations. They are 3D mouldable to distribute pressure evenly and to increase support anywhere on the shell. The breathable, washable covers are available in three preshaped sizes and custom shapes, and their angle, depth, and height are adjustable. The modular Free Form Seating custom seating system can be used in combination with air, gel, foam, honeycomb, and many other covering materials, and it can easily accommodate a kyphosis, scoliosis, and many other postural support needs. It is provided either as a kit, which includes everything needed for a custom backrest (cover, tools, shell, quick-release hardware) or as material for custom shapes, including full-body seating systems. Aluminum clamps and glass-reinforced nylon joining balls provide an extremely strong shell that is engineered to have a small amount of flexibility to absorb vibrations and provide dynamic feedback while still being supportive. Free Form Seating is appropriate for many types of users. It is especially effective for children, those with weight fluctuations or changing seating needs. Free Form dampens vibration, has excellent airflow and moisture dissipation, and can grow and change with the client. HCPCS codes are E2609 and E2617. MSRP varies depending on how much material is used. Free Form is compatible with many different types of positioning accessories and hardware. Headrests, chest harnesses, thoracic straps, and lap belts can all be mounted directly to the shell.
Vista Medical/PatienTech
Products: BodiTrak Clinical Seat and BodiTrak Lite for Seat
BodiTrak sensors are fabric stretchable pressure sensors made of three layers of stretchable Lycra. The stretch fabric limits the impact of the sensor on the cushion or bed surface being used. The BodiTrak electronics are built into the sensor itself and connects to a computer or tablet with a USB cable or wireless. There is no external interface box to manage. A stretchable sensing matrix limits the sensors’ impact on cushions tested. Made to be easy to use with full featured software for seating clinics and researchers. Or, simplified, very easy to use Android tablet based software. Calibration stored onboard the sensor and BodiTrak uses a simple USB or Wireless connection. Made for use with all ages and settings. Sensors come in numerous sizes and configurations. MSRP is $1,500 to $5,995. Calibration service or equipment for purchase is available.