November 13, 2007
The A.R.T. Group, a division of Sunrise Medical, has introduced the Kids ROCK Chair in Size 1, designed to accommodate toddlers to age 6.
The Kids ROCK™ Pediatric Tilt-in-Space Chair features the ROCK ACTIVE seating system that is engineered to allow the child to extend and flex the body while maintaining proper positioning of the pelvis and therapeutic support. A news release from the A.R.T. Group reports the patent pending system allows up to 35 degrees of hip extension and 35 degrees of active range at the knee, with adjustable resistance and range of motion.
“Children who are non-ambulatory and have not had the opportunity to develop anti-gravity postural musculature to maintain their body in a variety of postures, consistently have poor to fair muscle strength. The Kids ROCK ACTIVE chair allows the child to challenge and strengthen these muscles groups as they flex and extend” says Cathy Mulholland, OTR/L. “It is not reasonable to expect the child to strengthen if they do not have the ability to move," Mulholland adds.
Dr. Michael Hahn from Montana State University department of health and human development is reported to have presented the preliminary results of the ongoing clinical study concentrated on the “Effects of dynamic wheelchair seating on spasticity and functional mobility in children” as provided by the Kids ROCK ACTIVE Size 2 chair. The report states that preliminary results–after 6 months of study–indicate a 2X greater increase in hip and knee range of motion for children using dynamic seating; as well as gains in self care, social function, and standing gross motor function skills.
The A.R.T Group notes that enhanced features of the Size 1 chair include simple, yet precise positioning adjustments that can be made with the child in the chair. Also the rear wheel sizes range from 12” to 20”, which the company states are designed bo be both aesthetically pleasing and functional for children who want to self propel. The A.R.T. Group has states that combining the active seating with the company’s line of secondary positioning products provides an integrated solution that addresses the need for both movement and proper positioning.