bfsDuring a recent micro-study, Barefoot Science and Noraxon USA, headquartered in Scottsdale, Ariz, reportedly collected data from 18 attendees of the 2012 Special Operations Medical Association Annual Conference (SOMA), Fla, to demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the Bare Foot Science (BFS) insole. The proprioceptive stimulating insole is designed as a foot strengthening system, which introduces a conservative, constant, stimulus that activates biomechanically appropriate muscle firing and proprioceptive signals.

Researchers note that each participant was assessed using Noraxon’s Clinical Surface EMG (CDTS), designed to measure changes in muscle activity, symmetry, and coordination, along with the Force Distribution Measurement Small (FDM-SX) Platform, a pressure measurement platform engineered to measure balance, underfoot mapping of pressures and other static and dynamic parameters. According to the study, these assessments were used to measure dynamic changes that the BFS insoles promote.

Participants were reportedly instructed to stand on the FDM-SX fir 10 seconds. Researchers say they used the geometric 95% Confidence Ellipse Parameters and the Center of Pressure Parameters to establish a baseline. Muscle activation of the peroneus and anterior tibialis were also examined during dynamic gait.

Following baseline recordings, BFS insoles were then fit and put into the participants’ shoes. Researchers say they asked participants to walk for no less than 500 steps with level 1 BFS in their shoe prior the completion of the second comparative recording.

The results suggest that individuals who reported foot, knee, and back pain who had tried BFS insoles noted a significant decrease in pain as a result of wearing the insoles. The study also indicated that 18 participants collectively exhibited an average of 31% increase in their balance after wearing the insoles.

The EMG recording of average increase in muscle activation also offered significant results, according to researchers. The EMG recording indicated that with a small amount of proprioceptive stimulation the BFS insoles provide at Level 1, muscle firing and fiber recruitment increased significantly, with the average of the peroneus and anterior tibialis activation was an average of 22%.

Source: Noraxon USA