The Foundation for Physical Therapy, Alexandria, Virginia, Board of Trustees awarded $190,500 in Promotion of Doctoral Studies (PODS) I & II Scholarships, and a New Investigator Fellowship Training Initiative (NIFTI) to 11 PTs.
“The Foundation has seen a growing trend in the level of excellence of our scholarship and fellowship applications,” said Foundation Board of Trustees Chair William G. Boissonnault, PT, DPT, DHSc, FAPTA, FAAOMPT.
As part of its post-professional Doctoral Opportunities for Clinicians and Scholarships (DOCS) program to fund doctoral and post-doctoral students preparing for research careers, the Foundation awards PODS I Scholarships of $7,500 each year to PTs or physical therapist assistants who have completed at least two full semesters or three full quarters of their coursework toward a postprofessional doctorate degree.
PODS II Scholarships of up to $15,000 each are awarded to PTs or physical therapist assistants who have been formally admitted to postprofessional doctoral candidacy.
This year’s recipients include Meryl Alappattu, PT, DPT, University of Florida; Amy Feldman Bailes, PT, MS, PCS, University of Cincinnati; Carmen Capo-Lugo, PT, MSPT, Northwestern University; Sarah Gilliland, DPT, University of California, Irvine; and Miriam Rafferty, PT, DPT, NCS, University of Illinois at Chicago.
[Source: Foundation for Physical Therapy]