In an effort to expand global health and fitness research and partnerships, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has formed an international science and health exchange to highlight scientific discovery and collaboration among international scientists. A research program with Sato Sports Plaza of Japan is the first major partnership in the ACSM initiative.

The scientific collaboration will further examine the KAATSU Training method, developed by Sato and designed to increase muscle size and build strength with lighter weights and less stressful motions on muscles, joints and ligaments.

ACSM, the world’s largest sports medicine and exercise organization, will act as a scientific research partner with Sato Sports Plaza helping facilitate international scientific discovery among ACSM researchers and scientists.

KAATSU, which has been in development for more than 40 years in Japan, utilizes a special belt that when tightened near the joints of the upper arm or leg, applies pressure to the muscle through temporary blood-flow restriction. The method is being introduced in the United States, primarily among competitive athletes in training. The technique is also expected to be effective for older adults who may need to choose activities that limit physical stress to the body. Preliminary published research on low-intensity KAATSU training has shown gains in muscular strength and size.

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[Source: Medical News Today]