Non-Invasive Monitoring Systems Inc (NIMS), Miami, introduces the Exer-Rest® product line, which produces circulatory benefits similar to those achieved by moderate exercise without putting stress on the body, according to the company.
Its therapeutic approach, called whole body periodic acceleration (WBPA)–based on a patented technology called Acceleration Therapeutics® (AT)–involves a technique in which a patient’s body is accelerated and decelerated, head to foot, in such a way that therapeutic effectiveness is derived naturally from the individual’s own body.
The product is for people with severe pain due to injury or joint inflammation and limited mobility. It can be used by elderly individuals, athletes, and disabled indificuals. The company says Exer-Rest shows promise for helping people who have Parkinson’s disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and other debilitating diseases that limit mobility.
Users relax on a mattress atop a motorized platform that traverses head to foot about half of an inch at a rate of 140 times per minute. The movement adds pulses to the user’s natural pulse, which increases the release of beneficial mediators such as nitric oxide throughout the body’s vasculature paths, says the company.
The company says that the process, called pulsatile shear stress, aids the body’s recovery from injury or illness by delivering the following benefits:
- Improved local circulation
- Temporary relief of aches and pains
- Muscle relaxation
- Relief from morning stiffness
The noninvasive, drug-free therapy is for individuals who are physically fit, sedentary, or incapable of an active lifestyle.
Thirty-three peer-reviewed scientific publications have demonstrated its efficacy and safety in improving the quality of life of individuals over a wide range of ages and activity levels (studies available on the NIMS Web site).
Exer-Rest is available in two models, the AT3800, and the 9-inch wider version AT4700. Each is equipped with a memory foam mattress, pillow, knee riser, wireless touch-screen remote controller, and a small and large pair of shoes. Each WBPA session involves the user lying down on the mattress and adjusting the digital remote controller for speed, travel, and time prior to starting the process.
It is FDA listed as a Class I Exempt Medical Device.
[Source: NIMS]