The 3rd National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic, sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), will be held September 19 – 25 in San Diego. The event is uniquely designed to teach recently-injured Veterans how to surf, kayak, sail, cycle and enjoy other sports.
“I have seen this clinic up close and have witnessed its life-changing effects on the Veterans who participate,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “Helping these Veterans rediscover their capabilities is why this Clinic was started.”
Events at this important rehabilitation clinic include adaptive kayaking, sailing, track and field, cycling and surfing, using venues throughout the San Diego area, including the U.S. Olympic Training Center. At the week-long event, participants will have also built strong bonds and life-long relationships with fellow Veterans.
Participation is open to military Veterans who are eligible for VA medical care and have orthopedic amputations, traumatic brain injuries, burn injuries, psychological trauma, certain neurological conditions, visual impairment, spinal cord injuries or other injuries incurred during the past six years.
The VA San Diego Health care System is the host of this year’s Clinic, and has hosted the event since its inception in 2008.
Visit, or contact Jose Llamas, VA Summer Sports Clinic public affairs coordinator, at (202) 461-7549.
(Source: Press Release)