“Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity.”
Around 400 BC, when Hippocrates was teaching physicians the concepts of modern medical care, he could not have foreseen the challenges affecting health care in the 21st century. As the country weathers a current economic downward cycle, the medical industry is suffering from reimbursement cutbacks, limited inpatient hospital stays, reduced health care treatments, decreased personal resources, and soaring medical costs.This reality has caused many professionals in the physical medicine and rehabilitation industry to rethink their positions in the industry—from practice management decisions to purchasing products to enhance their businesses, while not compromising their quality of client care.
As news of bankruptcies, inflation, company mergers, therapy payment caps, and reimbursement limitations on many technologies and services continues to spread, every new purchase for a practice can present a challenging decision. During these tight economic times, Rehab Management offers its readers Product Directory 2008, a directory compiled to assist in making the best possible purchasing decisions.
Rehab Management’s Product Directory 2008 provides access to information on some of the leading manufacturers and providers and their tools and technologies upon which occupational therapists, physical therapists, and the entire team of rehab professionals have come to rely for all of their long-term and short term client and practice needs. Among the directory’s offerings are suggestions for software programs to help enhance the rehab professional’s practice by implementing electronic billing, medical record keeping, and documentation (as well as practice management programs to help an office become HIPAA-compliant). In addition, our readers can also find the very best choices in such innovations as facility-based equipment, fitness, mobility aids, pain management, products for the home, and seating and positioning—broken into categories for quick, easy reference. Another key feature in this directory is a comprehensive Web Resources Directory section, which offers a brief synopsis of each company featured herein, as well as an URL so the reader can further peruse the company’s products and services at their leisure.
While many economists are predicting that the country has experienced the worst of the downturn financial cycle, most of Americans are in a “wait-and-see” mode, and expect a slow economic recovery at best. We at Rehab Management hope that our readership of rehab professionals will find Product Directory 2008 a helpful resource in making wise selections to enhance their practice, while keeping an eye on the bottom line.
—Rogena Schuyler Silverman