An intermediate to advanced physical therapy course focused on shoulder impingement, low back pain, and knee osteoarthritis (OA) aims to assist participants in creating measurable functional change required by the current healthcare reform environment.
The 2-day lecture and hands-on laboratory course presented by North American Seminars is designed to offer an update of current evidence-based practice guidelines for the examination, evaluation, and treatment of the three diagnoses. According to North American Seminars, the course will also place an emphasis on translating research evidence into efficient clinical treatment of acute low back pain, shoulder impingement, and knee OA.
The course is intended to illustrate the integration of payor-required, patient-reported, and clinical performance outcome measures during each clinical scenario. North American Seminars notes that participants will be provided with the opportunity to learn how to develop a “therapeutic alliance” with patients to maximize the non-specific effects of treatment. Interactive laboratory sessions will also allow participants to improve their orthopedic clinical examination and treatment skills. Each lab session will reportedly include hands-on practice of selected special tests, functional performance tests, manual therapy, and exercise interventions.
North American Seminars points out that participants who attend the 2-day weekend course will be able to immediately apply the information and hands-on skills they have learned when returning to the clinic Monday.
Objectives set forth for the course include the ability to recognize the role of the physical therapist as a primary care provider for the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, develop confidence in understanding common rehabilitation outcome measures for the spine, shoulder, and knee, as well as gaining clinical pearls and new treatment techniques for the treatment of acute low back pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain.
For more information and a full list of course dates and locations, click here
[Source: North American Seminars]