Akron, Ohio-headquartered Performance Health has introduced a new product to the field of of low-tech fitness and rehab gear with the rollout of TheraBand CLX Consecutive Loops. Available in bulk rolls and individual packs, the CLX Consecutive Loops are designed to provide the same utility as bands, loops, tubing with handles, and door anchors in a single product.
The new products reportedly are latex-free, do not require any knot-tying, and increase resistance at 25% intervals. Colors of progression are yellow through black.
According to a statement from Performance Health, the multifunction capabilities of CLX Consecutive Loops are achieved by connecting the upper and lower body in a single exercise and facilitating open-hand exercises, holding objects with resistance, and completely hands-free exercises. The new loop also is designed to allow quick and easy transitions between exercises and fast adjustments in exertion as the user performs exercises.
Click here to watch a brief demonstration.
The company notes that part of the appeal of CLX Consecutive Loops lies in its simplicity, which may increase compliance and use. The company also describes the product as having an intuitive design and versatility that make home exercise less complicated.
Free samples reportedly are available at therabandclx.com/sample
[Source: Performance Health]