Ann Eubank puts the spotlight on a recent lawsuit against Walt Disney theme parks in Orlando, Fla, and Anaheim, Calif, filed on behalf of disabled amusement park patrons and that calls into question the Magic Kingdom’s new policy change on allowing guests with disabilities to go to the front of a line and directly onto a ride. The blog is sponsored by TiLite.
Eubank points out in the blog post that Disney’s previous, longstanding policy allowed individuals with disabilities and their families to go directly onto rides, rather than waiting in line. Disney’s new policy provides visitors with disabilities “an appointment time” at which they may return to the ride and avoid a long wait in line.
Read her latest post here.
Eubank urges readers to investigate the suit’s details to decide for themselves, what might Disney be thinking, “Did Disney change its policy because of the intolerance of a vocal majority of patrons, or because it thinks it found a better way to serve its disabled guests?”
Hear more about what Eubank has to say. Visit From the Roots: Clinician’s Blog
[Source: Rehab Management]