The Amputee Coalition of America, Knoxville, Tenn, has elected Jeffrey S. Lutz CPO to its board of directors, citing his 23-year history serving the clinical, educational, and emotional needs of amputees
Lutz has completed an orthotic residency at Children’s Hospital, New Orleans, and a prosthetic residency at the Myoelectric Institute of Orlando.
He is certified in prosthetics and orthotics by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc, and has performed post-graduate work in prosthetics and orthotics at the Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Department of Orthopedics.
Lutz is regional VP and market leader for Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics Inc, Lafayette, La, having joined the company in 1986 as a staff prosthetist in Orlando, Fla. Earlier he worked for Southern Prosthetic Supply.
In addition to the experience gained from his career, Lutz is the father of a child who has experienced limb loss.