An online resource from Blickman, a Clifton, NJ-based manufacturer of stainless steel hospital equipment, provides tools to help healthcare professionals establish safe patient ambulation protocols in their facilities.
The free informational website,, requires no registration and features a downloadable Patient Ambulation Guide that includes links to more than 50 articles and studies covering such topics as the complications of immobility; benefits and evidence with regard to safe, early patient mobility; potential cost savings for hospitals; and how to implement a patient ambulation program, explains a media release from Blickman.
“As we increased our commitment to the patient ambulation arena, two things quickly became clear,” explains Blickman Executive Vice President Nick Marinis, regarding the decision to create the website.
“First, the benefits of safe, early, and frequent patient ambulation are more than proven: they are dramatic. Second, despite these benefits, the obstacles healthcare facilities face in providing safe patient ambulation are significant.”
The website also features information about Blickman’s Nezzie Patient Ambulation device, which is designed to hold all the devices, monitors, and oxygen and IV poles at the patient’s bedside, per the release.
“The exciting thing about is that it will never be done,” Marinis adds. “We will continue to add articles, studies, and post stories that will help patients, clinicians, and facilities address the challenges and gain the benefits of safe, early, and frequent patient ambulation.”
For more information, visit Blickman.
[Source: Blickman]