ICP Medical LLC has signed an agreement with UV-Concepts Inc to sell and distribute its ultraviolet wheelchair disinfecting enclosure.
The UV-Enclosure features a 21-square-foot footprint that allows a wheelchair to be rolled inside, where UV lights perform disinfection in as little as 45 seconds.
Cursory wiping of high-touch surfaces with traditional disinfectants may spread localized contaminants, and the bending and reaching required to manually clean certain areas of the wheelchair may increase hospital workers’ risk of repetitive on-the-job injury. In addition, a high percentage of hospital wheelchairs may be infected with clostridium difficile, per the release.
“With most hospitals lacking a consistent wheelchair disinfection protocol, we have found that this enclosure fills that gap perfectly while improving the efficiency and safety of healthcare workers. [This] presents an enormous opportunity for us to help improve the infection compliance of healthcare facilities, reduce risk to employees, and minimize the costs surrounding deadly infections,” says Brian Sanders, president of Earth City, Mo-based ICP Medical, in the release.
[Source(s): ICP Medical LLC, Business Wire]