Those who attended the recent Vitalizing Practice Through Research and Research Through Practice conference hosted by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Alexandria, Va, have drafted 18 recommendations to achieve a new culture in the physical therapy profession in which clinicians and researchers collaborate to transfer research into practice.
Some 70 researchers and clinicians discussed topics such as improving practice through clinical research, performance assessment and cost-effectiveness research, and translating clinical research into improved patient outcomes. Small-group discussions allowed participants to explore whether research impacts practice, and, whether practice impacts research. Participants also discussed opportunities for and barriers to these impacts.
APTA staff members and the conference planning group are reviewing the recommendations and how they might be implemented by the profession. The association will evaluate how well the recommendations are applied in coming years. Minimally, presentations at future APTA conferences will demonstrate examples of application of the recommendations.
Click here to view the presentations of the conference.
[Source: APTA]