The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation National Paralysis Resource Center announces grant funding opportunities through its 2021 1st Cycle Direct Effect and special focus COVID-19: Addressing Social Isolation Quality of Life grants initiatives. Applications are available through Tuesday, March 16.
Both Quality of Life grants awards financial support to nonprofit organizations that mirror the Reeve Foundation’s mission and are federally funded through a cooperative agreement with the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living (ACL).
Direct Effect grants offer up to $25,000 to nonprofit organizations for projects that clearly impact individuals living with paralysis, their families, and caregivers.
COVID-19: Addressing Social Isolation grants fund projects that address social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic with the goal of enhancing the connectedness of people living with paralysis and their caregivers to their communities and preventing adverse health outcomes. Grants will be awarded within the range of $25,000-$50,000.
During this cycle, the COVID-19: Addressing Social Isolation grants are one of Reeve Foundation’s top priorities because combatting social isolation is fundamental in achieving and maintaining, higher quality of life and improved community connections, a media release from Reeve Foundation explains.
“It brings me great pleasure to launch this new grant cycle focusing on addressing social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic because a lot of the research indicates that social isolation has had the number one negative impact on the lives of people living with disabilities, with loneliness being linked to many physical and mental health problems. Funding projects to combat the adverse effects of isolation is rooted in the Foundation’s mission to provide resources that improve the well-being of individuals impacted by paralysis.”
— Mark Bogosian, Director of Quality of Life Grants Program
Application Information and Tips
For more information, read the Application and Program Guidelines and visit the Reeve Foundation website for an overview of the Quality of Life Grant Program and the grant application process.
A free Application Technical Assistance Webinar will be held on Tuesday, February 9, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST.
Quality of Life grant applications are available and are to be completed online through the Reeve Foundation online grants portal.
The Foundation is no longer able to provide individual pre-award assistance either by telephone or email. However, questions about the application process can be submitted. All questions submitted via email will be collected, aggregated, and answered in a Questions and Answers document posted on our website. The deadline for emailed questions is Friday, February 12.
Organizations that have previously been awarded a Quality of Life grant in any category may re-apply for funding one year following the close of their grant and notification of grant closure by the Reeve Foundation.
For a full application timeline and more information about how to apply, visit the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.
[Source(s): Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, PR Newswire]
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