FRS Custom Solutions, headquartered in Mansfield, Ohio, recently announced it has modified the processor used in two of its augmentative, alternative communication (AAC) devices. According to a company press release, the new Intel i7 processor found in the ComLinkLT3G and the ComLinkLT3G with Enable Eyes provides faster processing, longer battery life, and more memory storage. 

The press release explains that the 2.13 GHzI Intel Coretm i7 series in the CompLink speech-generating device facilitates faster, more responsive communication and, thanks to a longer battery life, allows users to go longer between charges.

Sean Carter, motivational speaker, advocate against drunk driving, and spokesperson of When Sean Speaks, cannot speak without the aid of an AAC. Carter reports that the modified processor allows users to carry on a more natural conversation with others. Carter’s mother, Jenny Carter, adds that the capabilities of the ComLinkLT3G have allowed Carter’s brother to record and program numerous phrases into his ComLink. “These phrases, combined with the speed of Sean’s processor, make his speech more natural,” she says. 

The Enable Eyes capability of the ComLinkLT3G, the release adds, enables the user to access programs and communicate with eye-tracking movements. The company reports that all ComLink AAC devices feature standard patented FRS FlexABLE Stands and FRS FlexABLE handle, to offer users easy grip, maneuverability, and optimal screen visibility.

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