sci2The grand opening of Project Walk Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Center’s first franchised center in Claremont, Calif, was held May 18. The event was held in conjunction with an open house for The Claremont Club, an athletic fitness and wellness center.

Project Walk Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Center is intended to provide improved quality of life for individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCIs) through intense activity-based recovery programs, education, training, research, and development.The organization notes that each of its franchised centers is staffed with highly qualified SCI recovery specialists.

According to a news release from the organization, the Claremont-based franchise is owned and operated by Hal Hargrave Jr, aged 23 years old. Brian Malkinson, director of licensing and certification, Project Walk SCI Recovery Center, says the organization is honored to have the Hargrave family as its first franchise owners, “They are going to continue to do amazing things for the Southern California community and those living with spinal cord injury,” Malkinson says.

Hargrave, who became a quadriplegic following a rollover truck accident, began the non-profit organization, The Be Perfect Foundation. Inspired by his own injury and financial challenges, Hargrave furthered his work to help others who had gone through or were currently going through similar situations by raising $1.7 million in 4 years.

“It is a dream come true to be opening this center. It is a true reflection of the hard work that the foundation has done, along with the amazing support of the community of Claremont that makes this dream possible,” Hargrave says.

sci3The release reports that the Claremont location will integrate activity-based recovery into an existing health club. It will also be the first Project Walk location, beyond the Carlsbad, Calif-based headquarters, to offer patients body-weight support treadmill training.

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Source: Project Walk Spinal Cord Injury Recovery