BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc, New York, NY, recently announced that treatment used in its amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) human clinical trials exhibited promising safety results. The ALS Phase I/II human clinical trial treated participants with the company’s NurOwn technology, a recent news release reports. Dimitrios Karussis, MD, PhD, heads the clinical trials at Hadassah Medical Center, Israel, “There have been no significant side effects in the initial patients we have treated with BrainStorm’s NurOwn technology,” Karussis says.

Karussis adds that the trial’s results also hold treatment implications beyond patient safety, “The early clinical follow up of patients treated with stem cells shows indications of beneficial clinical events, such as improvement in breathing and swallowing ability as well as muscular power.”

According to the news release, the trials are being conducted at Hadassah Medical Center in Israel in collaboration with BrainStorm. BrainStorm’s chief medical advisor Eldad Melamed, MD, former head of neurology, Rabin Medical Center, and Tel Aviv University, heads its scientific team. 

The trials are reportedly using BrainStorm’s NurOwn technology to grow and modify autologous adult human stem cells to treat ALS. 

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Source: BrainStorm