Designed and tested by Dr John Krauss and the manual therapy staff at Oakland University, the Positioning Cube—new from Minneapolis-based OPTP—is built to help patients remain correctly positioned and comfortable during manual and physical therapy sessions.
The Positioning Cube is built flat on the top and bottom to provide versatile assistance on a treatment table and features unique right angles to ensure that it does not roll during the application of physical therapy techniques.
Two sizes are available: the 24-inch cube, for positioning the lower extremities while the patient is prone, supine, or side-lying; and the 12-inch cube, which can be positioned between the pelvis and ribcage in side-lying, to help facilitate lumbar side-bending and positional traction, and to help support the upper extremities in a comfortable position.
Both sizes of the OPTP Positioning Cube are constructed of firm but comfortable foam, providing support for patients regardless of the position.
[Source: OPTP]