January 31, 2008
Quantum Rehab, Exeter, Pa, reports it has taken measures to strengthen the company’s own Quantum Rehab Provider Standards to ensure their products and services will be delivered only by providers who possess the utmost rehab expertise.
According to a statement from Quantum Rehab, the enhanced requirements reflect the company’s ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest possible rehab business standards to ensure that beneficiaries with advanced rehab needs receive Quantum Rehab products and services only from the most highly qualified providers.
The upgraded standards are an extension of what a company source reports is "dedication to safeguarding clients who use advanced rehab products by ensuring their unique needs are best met by authorized Quantum Providers."
The revised Quantum Provider Standards require every provider to employ a RESNA-certified assistive technology supplier (ATS) or a RESNA-certified assistive technology practitioner (ATP) and directly involve them in product selection for their clients. Under the mandate, providers must also employ at least one trained rehab technician per service area and must service all Quantum Rehab products sold by the provider.
Additionally, all Quantum Rehab providers are required to complete an application and sign an attestation to verify all Quantum Rehab Provider Standards are being met. Compliance with the standards will be evaluated annually and the company will reserve the right to decline new applications to prevent marketplace over saturation if it is determined that a specific region has adequate coverage.
A news release from the company reports compliance with the new standards will help providers remain compliant with current and future Medicare regulations.
The Quantum Rehab Products governed by these standards are Medicare Group 2 single power options and above (K0835 – K0886), all power positioning systems and alternate drive devices.
A complete copy of the revised Quantum Provider Standards is available by contacting Pride Mobility Corporation’s compliance department (800) 800-8586.
Source: Pride Mobility