In an age of “unlimited possibilities,” Ann Eubank’s latest blog post asks why the operations of the average healthcare facility are sometimes more “industrial” than independent. The blog is sponsored by TiLite.
Eubank points out that during the Industrial Age, the rise of factories also brought forth the concept of compliance, demanding that all conform to the status quo. Eubank urges clinicians to fight the mediocrity that compliance, potentially dictated by insurance carriers, can breed; becoming not a victim but a force against the “factory.”
Eubank is the vice president of Community Initiatives at the grassroots movement UsersFirst.
You can join the movement and take a stand against the “factory” here and keep up with the organization’s latest activities here
To read her most current blog posts, as well as comments clinicians have made in response to those posts, click here, and share your insight!
[Source: Rehab Management]