Ann Eubank’s weekly blog posts call on all clinicians to stick to their convictions and advocate ideas for those in need, who are “without a hand to hold,” despite the objections of the status quo and feelings of mediocrity. The blog is sponsored by TiLite.

It takes courage to stand out as a leader, to stand aside to empower others, or embark on the journey of pursuing an idea that may be applauded by history but objected to by a majority for whom it might pose an inconvenience. Eubank asks readers to choose to take this journey, for the sake of patients and colleagues alike, emphasizing the need to live outside of our comfort zones and “dance with their demons” to ensure accessibility and quality of life for mobility users for generations to come.

Share your insight and read the latest comments on From the Roots: Clinician’s Blog

 Be sure to re-visit the blog for more upcoming updates and posts!


[Source: Rehab Management magazine]