A new building on the Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital campus in Grand Rapids, Mich, is open and is welcoming new patients.

According to a press release from the hospital, the $42 million “West Addition” is the first phase of a $66.4 million expansion and renovation project on the Mary Free Bed campus. It features 119 rooms for rehabilitative patients needing acute care, as well as high-tech therapy gyms. A colorful and welcoming environment that encourages greater interaction among staff and patients, and many other amenities designed to help patients be successful in their rehabilitation, are available as well.

The new building will also include 48 private rooms for sub-acute rehabilitation, per the release. When the sub-acute unit opens within the next several weeks, Mary Free Bed reports in the release that it will become the fifth largest freestanding rehabilitation hospital in the country.

The goals for the new building, the release explains, are to create a healing environment for patients, family, and staff; to elevate healing outcomes to even higher levels; and to make services available to a greater number of patients.

Per the release, it is hoped that the new building will be a tool to improve patient outcomes. It features two types of high-tech ceiling-mounted lifts for patients who are learning to walk again, as well as decentralized nursing and therapy so nurses and therapists will be able to spend more time with patients.

In addition, the new building features multiple therapy gyms on every floor, including a specialized low-stimulation gym for brain therapy patients; as well as private rooms for more silent nights and better sleep.

For more information, visit www.maryfreebed.com

[Source: Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital]