Join Frank Long, editorial director of Rehab Management, as he speaks with:
John Goetz, Director of Government Affairs for Permobil, who discusses how recent activity under the new Administration in Washington, DC, will extend into the complex rehab industry and highlights key funding challenges facing the complex rehab technology (CRT) community. Listen in and get the latest details about:
- Parts of the health care repeal bill—known as the American Health Care Act—that are most troubling for the complex rehab industry and whether those parts will remain if the bill is revived.
- Whether the CRT industry will be able to change policies in its favor now that HHS Secretary Price and CMS Administrator Verma are confirmed by the Senate
- Coverage policies being made without any input from the industry or from its advocates, and what end users and advocates can do to make their voices heard.
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John Goetz is the Director of Government Affairs for Permobil which also includes the ROHO and TiLite brands. Prior to joining the Permobil team, he was Legislative Liaison for Tennessee’s Medicaid agency (Health Care Finance and Administration/TennCare). While at TennCare, Goetz acted as liaison between the Agency and General Assembly, lobbied on behalf of the Agency and Governor’s agenda and provided policy advisement for the Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) division within TennCare. Before his time with TennCare, Goetz worked for U.S. Senator Bob Corker as his Legislative Aide for health care advising on a range of related issues and assisting with hearings at the Senate Special Committee on Aging. Now at Permobil, John heads up the Government Affairs Department coordinating all activities related to government payers and legislative activity at both the state and federal levels of government. He represents Permobil on the NCART board and is active on several of their working groups. Goetz has his Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and his Master’s in Public Administration both from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.