The Amputee Coalition, Knoxville, Tenn, is now accepting applications for Bridge to Ability Scholarships to attend its national conference, June 1 to 4, in Kansas City, Mo.
Created by the Amputee Coalition’s board of directors in 2010, the Bridge to Ability Fund is designed to give new amputees the ability to enjoy all the benefits of the national conference and connect with others.
“This year we will be able to bring 20 new Bridge Scholars to our national conference,” said Kendra Calhoun, president and CEO of the Amputee Coalition. “This is particularly significant in 2011 as we celebrate our 25th anniversary at the conference in Kansas City. It promises to be a memorable event for new amputees as we celebrate the many advances in state-of-the-art technology and learn of so many success stories.”
Attending the national conference will allow scholarship recipients to build confidence and hope, help them “get their lives back,” receive knowledge and information, make connections and friends within the limb loss community, and establish lifelong relationships, says the organization.
The scholarship includes a full conference registration, covering health and wellness education, technology sessions, special clinics, and social networking as well as lodging expenses.
[removed]Click here[/removed] to access the scholarship application.
[Source: Amputee Coalition]