Sunrise Medical, Longmont, Colo, introduces Sunrise Select, a new program developed exclusively for its complex rehab distributors, focusing on three core elements: increasing top-line revenue, reducing overall material acquisition costs, and improving operational performance, the company reports.
The program comprises three levels: elite, preferred, and authorized. The supplier’s accreditation status and strategic relationship with Sunrise Medical determines the supplier’s appropriate level. The program addresses customers’ key needs and rewards them for ongoing purchases.
The initiative, launched as a pilot program in early 2009, has several elite members who have told Sunrise it has impacted their business, according to the company.
Included in the piloted supplier accounts is RehabTECH, Burr Ridge, Ill, a recent recipient of the HME Excellence Award as 2009 Best Rehab Provider. “We have been very impressed with the Sunrise Select Elite Supplier Program," says Rebecca Togliatti, RehabTECH’s CEO, according to Sunrise. "Through all aspects of the program, we can see that Sunrise is committed to helping our business succeed and providing us the best products on the market today.”
Accredited suppliers who wish to know if they qualify for the program may send an e-mail to [email protected].
Sunrise Medical designs, manufactures, and markets medical products that address the recovery and rehabilitation needs of patients in institutional and home care settings. Its products are distributed worldwide.
[Source: Sunrise Medical]