May 1, 2007

Psoriatic arthritis, a treatable form of arthritis, may be effectively overcome by using proper therapy once the correct diagnosis has been made. The key objective among treatments for this type of arthritis is the control of inflammation.

Patients diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis can avoid triggering influences with may help reduce symptoms. Stress, a common trigger for paoriatic arthritis, can be combatted with relaxation therapy.

Among treatment recommended by rheumatologists are non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). This commonly prescribed medication medication can be taken at night after dinner and again after awakening. Taken with food, chances of stomach upset are reduced..

Disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) are used to slow the progression of the arthritis but can take several weeks to before they are effective against symptoms. Because DMDs strongly affect the liver and kidneys they must be closely monitored.

Other drugs shown to successfully treat inflammation are ciclosporin and sulfasalazine.

Injectible drug treatments such as low-dose corticosteroids can be introduced directly into joints or taken orally for long-term control. These treatments are usually last-line solutions.

Exercise, also, is an effective therapy for treating the pain and swelling of psoriatic arthritis. Properly constructed exercise programs improve movement, strengthen muscles, stabilize joints, improve sleeping patterns, strengthen the heart, increase stamina, as well as reduce and generally improve the overall physical appearance.

Low tech solutoions such as soaking in a warm bath, applying warm or cold compresses to affected areas.

Source: Medical News Today (