In a recent news release, Presagia, a Montreal-based developer of the web-based and mobile Athlete Electronic Health Record (EHR), reports that it has partnered with Physiotec in an effort to enable sports medicine professionals to better engage athletes with interactive exercise and rehabilitation programs.
The company notes that its Presagia Sports secure web-based and mobile-accessible Athlete EHR and concussion system is designed to centralize athlete health data, including injuries, illnesses, treatments, surgeries, and medications.The system is also designed to provide communication tools to connect the medical team in support of collaborative health care.
According to the release, Physiotec specializes in interactive exercise programs for rehab therapy and fitness, featuring more than 5,000 exercises presented in video, photo, and written formats. Its president, Pierre Labonte, articulates the company’s excitement in partnering with Presagia, “Through its shared vision with Presagia, Physiotec reinforces the vital role that it plays in today’s fitness, wellness, and sports performance industries,” Labonte says.
Thanks to this partnership, the release reports that the Presagia Sports mobile app will include a section demonstrating all of the Physiotec exercise programs prescribed for an athlete. The user can then view the details of any exercise program and launch Physiotec in order to modify the program or watch the videos.
Donald Olds, president, CEO, Presagia, echoes Labonte’s sentiment, noting that the web-based offerings complement one another well and will allow users to navigate from one system to the other with a single sign in, “[prescribing] specific exercise programs quickly and easily without any duplication of entry,” Olds says.
Presagia adds that athletes will also be able to access this functionality directly on their mobile phones, allowing them to see their individual current and past exercise programs and to watch how-to videos.
Source(s): Presagia, Physiotec