Disabled American Veterans (DAV) announces in a press release that the Ford Motor Company has donated $200,000 for the purchase of seven new vehicles for the organization’s nationwide Transportation Network, which provides free rides for veterans to and from their medical appointments.

“We are extremely proud and grateful of our long partnership with Ford Motor Company,” says DAV National Commander Ron Hope, in the release. “These vehicles will be used by volunteers nationwide to ensure our wounded heroes get to and from medical appointments. Without this donation and program, many of these veterans would go without the medical care they earned.”

The release explains that since 1996, Ford has donated 199 vehicles to DAV’s fleet. This is in addition to the 2,967 Ford vans purchased by the DAV, its Chapters and Departments and the National Service Foundation’s Columbia Trust since 1987, at a cost of more than $65 million.

For more information, visit www.dav.org.

[Source(s): Disabled American Veterans, PR Newswire]