The United States is home to the most advanced health care facilities in the world, a phenomenon that rings true even when the scope of care is narrowed to organizations that specialize in physical rehabilitation. This year RM launches an annual program, Rehab Management ’s Best of Rehab Facilities, to spotlight the nation’s top rehab care providers. Facilities across the continent entered into a nomination process for this program, which included a profile submitted by each facility that explained what makes them exceptional among their communities and peers. In the following pages you will discover what’s in the DNA of rehab hospitals that qualified as the Best of 2011. As you read through this section, you will learn about the hiring practices of staff and management, exclusive facility features and specialty programs, and the organizational missions that guide each aspect of patient care.

It is worth noting that every region of the nation received a nod in this year’s Best of 2011 list, with a slightly higher concentration of facilities included from the Midwest and East. What the variety of participants in this year’s program reveals is that superior rehabilitation care in this country reaches across a wide demographic. Some of the names that appear in the following pages represent the Goliaths of health care you would expect to see in such a renowned group, while the Davids that serve smaller communities and rural areas are also distinguished here for their accomplishments among the populations they serve. Not surprisingly, what all of the organizations that appear as Best of 2011 Rehab Facilities have in common is pride in their rich histories and dedication to patient satisfaction.

RM is honored to showcase these leaders among the physical medicine community, and it is our hope that the programs outlined here may help readers discover new ways of finding the best of their own practices throughout 2011.

Frank Long, Editor
Rehab Management