Digital Therapeutics Alliance, a global non-profit trade association of industry leaders and stakeholders with the mission of broadening the understanding and adoption of digital therapeutics (DTx) into healthcare, announces the appointment of Owen McCarthy, Co-Founder & President, MedRhythms, to Chair its Board of Directors.

“Owen’s depth of knowledge in bringing novel digital therapeutics to market will provide invaluable expertise to the DTA member network. I look forward to working with Owen to drive the industry forward and capitalize on the massive opportunity digital therapeutics can have to improve lives and health outcomes and streamline care.”

— Andy Molnar, CEO, Digital Therapeutics Alliance

“I look forward to working with Andy, the DTA team and Board members to advance the digital therapeutics industry. The industry has a strong foundation and tremendous momentum to realize its full potential for the patients that our member companies strive to serve.”

— Owen McCarthy, President & Co-Founder, MedRhythms and DTA Board Chairman

At MedRhythms, Owen is pioneering new approaches to healthcare and leads the development of prescription digital therapeutics that use sensors, software, and music to measure and improve walking for patients with a neurologic injury or disease. He has led MedRhythms through multiple rounds of financing, including its recent $27M Series B round led by Morningside Ventures.

Owen is the inventor on two patents for MedRhythms’ novel digital therapeutics, and represents the digital therapeutics industry in the World Health Organization’s Roster of Experts in Digital Health. He also served on the founding team for the 3D printing company Voxel8, which was acquired by Kornit Digital.

Owen received his MBA from Harvard Business School and completed his BS in Biological Engineering from the University of Maine.

[Source(s): MedRhythms, Business Wire]