The current issue of the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRRD), published by the Department of Veterans Affairs, is a single-topic release on prosthetics and orthotics aimed at generating discussion and further research in the field, says a statement released by the VA. Click here to read full-text articles.
The issue features the following manuscripts:
- Lower-limb amputee needs assessment using multistakeholder focus-group approach, p 293
- Assessing the state of clinically applicable research for evidence-based practice in prosthetics and orthotics, p 305
- Mathematical modeling and mechanical and histopathological testing of porous prosthetic pylon for direct skeletal attachment, p 315
- One hundred patients treated with osseointegrated transfemoral amputation prostheses—Rehabilitation perspective, p 331
- On the way to total integration of prosthetic pylon with residuum, p 345
- Agonist-antagonist active knee prosthesis: A preliminary study in level-ground walking, p 361
- Transtibial amputee joint rotation moments during straight-line walking and a common turning task with and without a torsion adapter, p 375
- Early delayed amputation: A paradigm shift in the limb-salvage time line for patients with major upper-limb injury, p 385A new option for amputees: Transplantation of the hand, p 395
- Dynamic interface pressure distributions of two transtibial prosthetic socket concepts, p 40
- Differences in function and safety between Medicare Functional Classification Level-2 and -3 transfemoral amputees and influence of prosthetic knee joint control, p 417
- Walking mechanics of persons who use reciprocating gait orthoses, p 435
- Development of hybrid orthosis for standing, walking, and stair climbing after spinal cord injury, p 447
JRRD is an open-access, international, peer-reviewed rehabilitation journal published in English, with 10 regular issues published per year. The journal publishes original research articles, clinical studies, topical reviews, and editorials from US and international researchers covering 25 rehabilitation disciplines. To learn more about the journal and its publishing policies, click here.
[Source: Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development ]